
Teaching my Dad a bit about Parmenides, and he says, “So, the chicken came before the egg?”I gasped and exclaimed…my God…you’re right, it really is that simple…

Being is Eternal. Being cannot come from nothing. Because if it’s nothing, then there is NO something. So there must be some original Cause (God, demiurge, etc.). This is Parmenides offering to humanity and history. It really is that simple. You will have to re-read it many times.

So, creation comes actually not just from “God” (whatever that means to you) but really, from the MIND of God, the Logos of God. God has the idea of the chicken before there are any chickens OR eggs. The chicken in its Form (ideal form) is like the ideal form of man, everlastingly youthful, not one day older than 16, but also not much younger, and definitely not an egg or fetus.

The form of the chicken is first, then comes the chicken, then the egg. Also please note, the egg is also FEMALE, the symbol of the Feminine. Which MUST come second. In every creation myth, Adam and Eve, Mahavishnu, whatever; God is a He and He creates She and then there is They.

I’m skipping a few points but I hope someone was able to get this far. Good day to you. Philosophy is still better than religion and most everything else. But, you have to be a REAL grown up (or naturally talented) to do it. Anyone can be a fanatic barbarian and do religion. Only one female in history became famous as a philosopher that I know of. It’s rare, so when you actually join our club, man woman or child, we are happy to have you. Good day to you all.


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